It’s too hot to wear clothes and pay attention to insulation.

The core tip: "When the waist is down to the ankle, you want to get normal temperature, and your chest is slightly cooler." This sentence is from the "Women's Door" in the "Protection of Life Keeping" written by the health care worker of the Song Dynasty. Many people pay attention to dressing care when it is cold, but it is not always true when it is hot. This health reminder is very helpful for people who are dressed in chaos during the hot weather.

It is necessary to keep normal temperature under the hot waist

Let us first look at "the waist and the abdomen to the ankles to get normal temperature". The author did not point out the specific seasonality when writing this sentence. In other words, the "normal temperature below the waist and abdomen" should be achieved throughout the year. In the cold weather, everyone will do it naturally, but it will be done when it is hot.

Our abdomen has a single acupuncture point that can be touched by the hand and seen with the eye. It is called Shenque Point. Where is the position? belly button. Chinese medicine believes that the navel can not be cold, but many males with good body like to expose the abdominal muscles when it is hot. Young women prefer to wear the navel in the summer, but the air-conditioning between the air conditioners will be transmitted to the body through the navel. Yang Qi, leading to yang chills, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea and other symptoms.

With pulsed feet to be warm

Dai Qibin, deputy director of the Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Nanjing Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, said that there is an invisible "belt" in our waist that is the pulse of the eight veins of Chinese medicine. Its main function is to "constrain the classics." This part of the cold is not conducive to the smooth blood of the meridians, so naturally also pay attention to prevent cold.

As for "warm feet", many friends who love health care know that the human foot is the farthest from the heart, and it is the most vulnerable to cold and evil. There is a saying called "cold from the foot", so the foot should also pay attention. Keep warm. Even in the hot weather, you can use hot water to soak your feet before going to bed, which can eliminate fatigue and promote sleep.

"The meeting of Zhuyang" is not enthusiastic

How to understand "slower on the chest"?

Chinese medicine believes that this place in the brain is a "joy of Zhuyang", and generally does not need to deliberately keep warm. This "slightly cool" means that it is not appropriate to "hot", not deliberately cold.

For example, many people like to put their heads near heated places in the winter, or wrap their heads tightly, which can cause headaches, dizziness and other diseases. Some readers like to wear hat shades in summer, but after a long time, the surface temperature of the brain will rise, which is unhealthy, so be sure to take off your hat and let your head breathe when you are in the shade.

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