Carbine's 2010 fashion blockbusters: Unexpected summer encounters are unknown

"Men are self-possessed people" - abandon the traditional concept, and now men are also keen to spend their time trying to dress, Carbin's three brands, it is to hope that for different styles of men to show more face life, of course, a man It can also be interpreted differently.

Mr. Carpin audition

About Mr. Carpin

When the director told me that he wanted to tell Cabbeen's story from a girl's point of view, I think it should be very challenging. I also like the story of the encounter between the three men and the woman. It is like dealing with the arrangements between fate and coincidence...

"Men are self-possessed people" - abandon the traditional concept, and now men are also keen to spend their time trying to dress, Carbin's three brands, it is to hope that for different styles of men to show more face life, of course, a man It can also be interpreted differently.

Director Zhang Huilin (right) and Zhang Liang (left) communicate on the scene

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