How to identify black tourmaline

Black tourmaline is dark to pure black and is an opaque tourmaline. It is usually an iron-rich or titanium-rich variant and is the most common of the various tourmaline, often found in contact belts of granite, and in crystalline schist, gneiss and phyllites that are affected by gasifying agents. How to identify black tourmaline?

There are several main points in the identification of black tourmaline:


The black tourmaline is relatively brittle and prone to cracks. At the same time, it contains a large number of inclusions. The presence of a large number of cracks and inclusions will affect the transparency, color and fire of the tourmaline. The inner pure tourmaline is also rare. . When picking, try to pick the inside clean.


The cut of the black tourmaline refers to the accuracy of its cutting ratio and the perfection of the finish after finishing. The shape design of tourmaline must firstly maintain the weight of the original stone according to the cleavage, quality and weight of the original stone, and dissect the original stone structure in the best state; and ensure the restoration of the color after the tourmaline is cut, showing the most beautiful Color, and then use the best method to deal with the original stone ç‘•ç–µ, to design the best tourmaline shape. For example, it is very important how some catfish with cat-eye effects make it fully express its special effects. A good cut should reflect the brightness and fire of the tourmaline as much as possible.

Carat weight

Black tourmaline weight is calculated in carats. Under the condition that other conditions are similar, as the weight of tourmaline increases, its value increases geometrically; the tourmaline with the same weight will have a far-reaching value due to the difference in color, clarity and cut.


The black tourmaline requires a crystal mirror, and the black finish is impossible to penetrate. The brighter the gloss of the mirror, the higher the degree of jade, and the higher the pure price.

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